Friday 15 February 2013

Skeptic Rant

Short Answer: In and out of a prescription drug stupor, that makes me feel worse than the condition it is intended to treat, while simultaneously trying to get through one of my busiest work cycles of the year.

Long Answer: Oh, who really cares. The point is, I've been dealing with a bunch of medical crap and now I'm back. I've talked about this with so many people (doctors, co-workers, friends, family) that I'm sick of it. I'm not dying anytime soon, but I wasn't so sure for a while there. I have allot of personal experience now with considering my death, and plan to synthesize that into a couple of posts.

I've missed allot during my absence so I thought I would take a quick moment to catch up on some house keeping.

The 46th Skeptics' Circle is up at Left Brain / Right Brain.

Surprisingly, during my absence I got a few comments. I got a bizarre unintelligible loony rant from somebody calling themselves Ivor Manuel Prophet. Who apparently is still stuck on the whole 911 "act of god" thing. I also got a couple comments worth responding to, and I will try to do that over the next couple of days.

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